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Learning Physics Modeling with PhysX, by Krishna Kumar

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In Detail
In this day and age, physics engines play a very critical role in the success of a sophisticated game. PhysX is a state-of-the-art cross-platform physics engine widely used by top game studios and developers. It contains all the physics-related components you will need and exploits the parallel-processing capability of modern GPUs as well as multi-core CPUs to make a game as physically-realistic as possible. This book will help you to program and simulate games by using PhysX 3.
Learning Physics Modeling with PhysX helps you to master physics simulation using the PhysX Physics Engine from scratch. This is useful not only for game developers, but also for developers making virtual walkthroughs or training and other simulation applications. It will cover all the essential features of PhysX 3 with easy-to-understand code snippets and examples to help you learn quickly and efficiently.
This book will start off by introducing you to the basic concepts of physic engines and will give you a glimpse of PhysX implementation. We then gradually cover more sophisticated topics with sample source code so that you can see what you have learned in action. We will cover the history and features of the PhysX SDK as well as how to configure it with the C++ compiler. After touching upon essential topics like rigid body dynamics and collision detection, we will gradually move on to more advanced topics like joints, scene queries, character controllers, particles, and cloth simulation. By the end of this book, you will have learned everything you need to know about the PhysX 3 Physics Engine, and you will be able to use it to program your very own physics simulation quickly and efficiently.
ApproachWritten as a practical, step-by-step tutorial, this book is full of engaging examples to help you learn in a practical context.
Who this book is forThis book is for game developers or anyone who wants to learn how to fully utilize the PhysX Physics Engine quickly and efficiently. You don’t have to be a die-hard programmer to get started with this book. Basic knowledge of C++, 3D mathematics, and OpenGL is all you need.
- Sales Rank: #1540670 in eBooks
- Published on: 2013-10-25
- Released on: 2013-10-25
- Format: Kindle eBook
About the Author
Krishna Kumar
Krishna Kumar is a Graphics and Game Programmer. He completed his Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science in 2010. Since then, he has been working in the field of graphics, game programming, 3D interactive applications, and virtual reality. He feeds on the advancement of graphics and game technologies. In his free time he learns new things or plays FPS games such as Crysis, Far Cry, and COD. He also maintains a website at, which is dedicated to graphics and game programming.
Most helpful customer reviews
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Useful introductory book to PhysX
By Juan D. Serna
The new generation of high-definition, ultra-realistic video games has made a substantial impact on society. Probably, a good reason for this is that new CUDA GPUs technology allows program developers to recreate extremely vivid and realistic environments, capable of immersing the player in an alternate universe. There, telling the difference between the game and the real world becomes very difficult. This video game realism is the result of 'physics engines,' the computer software that delivers nearly accurate simulations of physical phenomena. Learning Physics Modeling with PhysX introduces the reader to the powerful physics engine PhysX. This engine is capable of simulating a variety of physical systems, such as rigid and soft body dynamics with constraints, fluid dynamics, collisions, particles, and so.
Author Krishna Kumar begins with a brief description of PhysX3 new features and gives some tips for installing the SDK and some other necessary tools, such as Visual C++ Express. Then, some fundamental concepts like initializing PhysX, creating shapes, simulating, and shutting down the engine are explained. The author covers concisely the most important aspects of physics engines, which are rigid body dynamics, collision detection, joints, scene queries, character controller, particles, and cloth. For each one of these topics a piece of code is given that simulates, in the simplest way, the particular physical phenomenon. Most important, he points out straightforwardly what objects and methods are required for each particular simulation.
Learning Physics Modeling with PhysX ([...]) is useful for aspiring game developers and those who want to learn a bit about physics engines. Even though the author does not go in-depth with physics concepts, the general idea of how to use physics engines (PhysX) to do actual physics simulations can be grasped. Hence, the book can also be a good starting point for those computer scientists who want to make their physics simulations more realistic and appealing.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Short and sweet
By Todd Seiler
This books has pros and cons. Overall, I felt it was a pretty simple introduction to PhysX.
+It's short. You could read a couple of chapters in a single sitting.
+You can get up and running quickly with PhysX.
+It has easy to understand examples.
+It covers the visual debugging tool.
-Some errors in the book, but nothing to detract from it's usability.
-Some parts of the book, I felt, could use more explanation. But this would make the book larger, so it's a trade off.
-The samples could be way better, but they're easy to mess with. I would rather have seen more complicated samples and just more of them.
-Some of the flags, I felt, weren't really described very well, or at all. For example, I literally saw something like this: "eENABLE_TWO_WAY_CONTACTS - This flag enables two way contacts". Okay. Thanks. That didn't tell me anything. But that was only one time.
Overall, if I wanted to learn PhysX, which I did, I would recommend this book. I never looked at the PhysX documentation or tutorials, so I can't compare this book with the official documentation. You won't be a master at PhysX after reading this book, but it definitely gives you a nice jumping off point.
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