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The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream (Vintage), by Barack Obama

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The Audacity of Hope is Barack Obama's call for a new kind of politics a politics that builds upon those shared understandings that pull us together as Americans. Lucid in his vision of America's place in the world, refreshingly candid about his family life and his time in the Senate, Obama here sets out his political convictions and inspires us to trust in the dogged optimism that has long defined us and that is our best hope going forward.
- Sales Rank: #355040 in Books
- Brand: Vintage
- Published on: 2008-07-15
- Released on: 2008-07-15
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 6.88" h x 1.24" w x 4.16" l, .50 pounds
- Binding: Mass Market Paperback
- 464 pages
- Great product!
Amazon.com Review
Barack Obama's first book, Dreams from My Father, was a compelling and moving memoir focusing on personal issues of race, identity, and community. With his second book The Audacity of Hope, Obama engages themes raised in his keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, shares personal views on faith and values and offers a vision of the future that involves repairing a "political process that is broken" and restoring a government that has fallen out of touch with the people. We had the opportunity to ask Senator Obama a few questions about writing, reading, and politics--see his responses below. --Daphne Durham 20 Second Interview: A Few Words with Barack Obama
Q: How did writing a book that you knew would be read so closely by so many compare to writing your first book, when few people knew who you were?
A: In many ways, Dreams from My Father was harder to write. At that point, I wasn't even sure that I could write a book. And writing the first book really was a process of self-discovery, since it touched on my family and my childhood in a much more intimate way. On the other hand, writing The Audacity of Hope paralleled the work that I do every day--trying to give shape to all the issues that we face as a country, and providing my own personal stamp on them.
Q: What is your writing process like? You have such a busy schedule, how did you find time to write?
A: I'm a night owl, so I usually wrote at night after my Senate day was over, and after my family was asleep--from 9:30 p.m. or so until 1 a.m. I would work off an outline--certain themes or stories that I wanted to tell--and get them down in longhand on a yellow pad. Then I'd edit while typing in what I'd written.
Q: If readers are to come away from The Audacity of Hope with one action item (a New Year's Resolution for 2007, perhaps?), what should it be?
A: Get involved in an issue that you're passionate about. It almost doesn’t matter what it is--improving the school system, developing strategies to wean ourselves off foreign oil, expanding health care for kids. We give too much of our power away, to the professional politicians, to the lobbyists, to cynicism. And our democracy suffers as a result.
Q: You're known for being able to work with people across ideological lines. Is that possible in today's polarized Washington?
A: It is possible. There are a lot of well-meaning people in both political parties. Unfortunately, the political culture tends to emphasize conflict, the media emphasizes conflict, and the structure of our campaigns rewards the negative. I write about these obstacles in chapter 4 of my book, "Politics." When you focus on solving problems instead of scoring political points, and emphasize common sense over ideology, you'd be surprised what can be accomplished. It also helps if you're willing to give other people credit--something politicians have a hard time doing sometimes.
Q: How do you make people passionate about moderate and complex ideas?
A: I think the country recognizes that the challenges we face aren't amenable to sound-bite solutions. People are looking for serious solutions to complex problems. I don't think we need more moderation per se--I think we should be bolder in promoting universal health care, or dealing with global warming. We just need to understand that actually solving these problems won't be easy, and that whatever solutions we come up with will require consensus among groups with divergent interests. That means everybody has to listen, and everybody has to give a little. That's not easy to do.
Q: What has surprised you most about the way Washington works?
A: How little serious debate and deliberation takes place on the floor of the House or the Senate.
Q: You talk about how we have a personal responsibility to educate our children. What small thing can the average parent (or person) do to help improve the educational system in America? What small thing can make a big impact?
A: Nothing has a bigger impact than reading to children early in life. Obviously we all have a personal obligation to turn off the TV and read to our own children; but beyond that, participating in a literacy program, working with parents who themselves may have difficulty reading, helping their children with their literacy skills, can make a huge difference in a child's life.
Q: Do you ever find time to read? What kinds of books do you try to make time for? What is on your nightstand now?
A: Unfortunately, I had very little time to read while I was writing. I'm trying to make up for lost time now. My tastes are pretty eclectic. I just finished Marilynne Robinson’s Gilead, a wonderful book. The language just shimmers. I've started Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin, which is a great study of Lincoln as a political strategist. I read just about anything by Toni Morrison, E.L. Doctorow, or Philip Roth. And I've got a soft spot for John le Carre.
Q: What inspires you? How do you stay motivated?
A: I'm inspired by the people I meet in my travels--hearing their stories, seeing the hardships they overcome, their fundamental optimism and decency. I'm inspired by the love people have for their children. And I'm inspired by my own children, how full they make my heart. They make me want to work to make the world a little bit better. And they make me want to be a better man.
From Publishers Weekly
Ilinois's Democratic senator illuminates the constraints of mainstream politics all too well in this sonorous manifesto. Obama (Dreams from My Father) castigates divisive partisanship (especially the Republican brand) and calls for a centrist politics based on broad American values. His own cautious liberalism is a model: he's skeptical of big government and of Republican tax cuts for the rich and Social Security privatization; he's prochoice, but respectful of prolifers; supportive of religion, but not of imposing it. The policy result is a tepid Clintonism, featuring tax credits for the poor, a host of small-bore programs to address everything from worker retraining to teen pregnancy, and a health-care program that resembles Clinton's Hillary-care proposals. On Iraq, he floats a phased but open-ended troop withdrawal. His triangulated positions can seem conflicted: he supports free trade, while deploring its effects on American workers (he opposed the Central American Free Trade Agreement), in the end hoping halfheartedly that more support for education, science and renewable energy will see the economy through the dilemmas of globalization. Obama writes insightfully, with vivid firsthand observations, about politics and the compromises forced on politicians by fund-raising, interest groups, the media and legislative horse-trading. Alas, his muddled, uninspiring proposals bear the stamp of those compromises. (Oct. 17)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Barack Obama is that rare politician who can actually write and write movingly and genuinely about himself.
The New York Times
Obama writes convincingly about race as well as the lofty place the Constitution holds in American life.... He writes tenderly about family and knowingly about faith.
Los Angeles Times
An upbeat view of the country's potential and a political biography that concentrates on the senator's core values.
Chicago Tribune
"He is one of the best writers to enter modern politics."
Jonathan Alter, Newsweek.com
"What's impressive about Obama is an intelligence that his new books diplays in aubundance."
Washington Post Book World
The self-portrait is appealing. It presents a man of relative youth yet maturity, a wise observer of the human condition, a figure who possesses perseverance and writing skills that have flashes of grandeur. Obama also demonstrates a wry sense of humor...His particular upbringing gives him special insights into the transition of American politics in the 1960s and 70s from debates over economic principles to a focus on culture and morality, and into the divisiveness, polarization and incivility that accompanied this transition.
Gary Hart, The New York Times Book Review
America s founders set a high standard for political writing, and most contemporary efforts fall woefully short. How nice, then, to have a politician who can write as well as U.S. Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois. ... The Audacity of Hope ... is fascinating in its revelation of Obama as someone who considers and questions, rather than asserts and declares. In nine focused chapters, Obama shows himself an agile thinker. This is an idea book, not a public-policy primer.
Elizabeth Taylor, Philadelphia Daily News
Not only is Obama a good writer, his mind is top-shelf, his heart tender.
Les Payne, Newsday
A thoughtful, careful analysis of what needs to be done to preserve our freedoms in a time of terror.
Newton N. Minow, Chicago Tribune --New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune
Most helpful customer reviews
14 of 15 people found the following review helpful.
Still worth reading in 2017
By twoeyedcyclops
I first read this book in 2008, and it convinced me to vote for Obama. I decided to read it again in 2017 to see if it was still worth reading, and it was. This is mainly a policy book, but probably my favorite parts are the little stories Obama tells about being in the Senate, the first time he went to the White House, good stories about his early campaigns, plus little snapshots of his personal life that he shares, including an account of how he met Michelle, and a candid admission of struggling to maintain a good work/life balance. Sometimes these parts are funny to read now, such as when he reflects on his growing fame (in 2006) and writes, “Even outside of Chicago, it’s becoming harder to walk unnoticed through airports.” I’m sure it’s much harder now!
Throughout the book, Obama makes a convincing case for finding common ground and working together to solve problems in a non-ideological, practical and compassionate way, on such topics as money in politics, income and wealth inequality, race, immigration, and other issues still relevant today. He writes, “…whenever we exaggerate or demonize, oversimplify or overstate our case, we lose. Whenever we dumb down the political debate, we lose.” He emphasizes the need for empathy, to put yourself in somebody else’s shoes and to see things from their perspective, to hear both sides of the story. This point of view seems to be a core part of his personality, and I felt like reading this book gave me a better sense of how to do that in my own life.
In this book, Obama points us toward a more reasonable, common sense form of politics that is still worth aiming for. Reading this book again gave me a sense of perspective on current events and actually a feeling of optimism about the future. I could be wrong about it, but I think the main point of the book, that there is more that unites us than divides us, is still true, and I think Obama’s vision of a better kind of politics will win.
14 of 15 people found the following review helpful.
worth the read whatever your politics
By my experience
I did not fully appreciate the phrase-"audacity of hope" until I read the book and also related it to what is going on today in this world. To dare to dream. to hope, to wish, to see beyond the current circumstance, to fight for change amid the status quo and comfort level of those who close their eyes and ears .to other's pain- sometimes you have to drag people kicking and screaming into a new age
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Regardless of political affiliation, please read it.
By lulinda lloyd
The more I read and learn about this man the sadder I am that he is not our President anymore. Whatever you may think, give this book a chance. B. Obama is a remarkable human being. Full of brilliance, compassion and conviction. One of the best presidents we have had.
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