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Autodesk Inventor 2018 Advanced Assembly Modeling: Autodesk Authorized Publisher, by Ascent - Center for Technical Knowledge

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The Autodesk� Inventor� 2018: Advanced Assembly Modeling student guide builds on the skills acquired in the Autodesk� Inventor� 2018: Introduction to Solid Modeling and Autodesk� Inventor� 2018: Advanced Part Modeling student guides to take students to a higher level of productivity when creating and working with assemblies.
You begin by focusing on the Top-Down Design workflow. You learn how tools are used to achieve this workflow using Derive, Multi-Body Design, and Layouts. Other topics include model simplification tools, Positional and Level of Detail Representations, iMates and iAssemblies, Frame Generator, Design Accelerator, and file management and duplication techniques. A chapter has also been included about the Autodesk� Inventor� Studio to teach you how to render, produce, and animate realistic images.
Topics Covered
- Applying motion to existing assembly constraints using Motion and Transitional Constraints.
- Introduction of the Top-Down Design technique for creating assemblies and its components.
- Tools for Top-Down Design, such as associative links, adaptive parts, multi-body and layout design, derived components, and skeleton models.
- Creating Positional Representations to review motion, evaluate the position of assembly components, or document an assembly in a drawing.
- Using Shrinkwrap and other model simplification tools to create a part model that represents an overall assembly.
- Creating Level of Detail Representations to reduce the clutter of large assemblies, reduce retrieval times, and substituting models.
- Using the Design Accelerator to easily insert standard and customizable components and features into your model.
- Creating rendered realistic images and animations of parts and assemblies using Autodesk Inventor Studio and the Video Producer.
- Using iMates and iAssemblies to work efficiently with assemblies.
- Using the Frame Generator to create structural members.
- Using pattern, mirror, and copy techniques to duplicate components in an assembly.
- Working with weldments.
- Link and drive parameters to and from a spreadsheet. You also learn to custom format and create expressions in a parameter.
The class assumes mastery of Autodesk Inventor basics as taught in Autodesk Inventor Introduction to Solid Modeling. Autodesk Inventor Advanced Part Modeling knowledge is recommended. The use of Microsoft Excel is required for this training course.
- Sales Rank: #1348642 in Books
- Published on: 2017-04-03
- Original language: English
- Dimensions: 9.25" h x 1.23" w x 7.50" l,
- Binding: Paperback
- 544 pages
About the Author
ASCENT develops and produces a wide range of courseware offerings, knowledge products, and courseware for the industry’s leading engineering software tools from Autodesk, Dassault Syst�mes, and PTC. ASCENT's team is comprised of courseware developers, engineers, instructional designers, architects, and technical writers who work together to create training solutions that work for our clients. Our curriculum group specializes in the creation of blended education programs that incorporate the best of expert-led and technology-based training offerings to create the most effective course content and ensure that users achieve maximum productivity from their chosen engineering tools. We also work to meet our client's needs by offering different levels of customization for classroom-training curriculum.
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