Sabtu, 01 Mei 2010

[R927.Ebook] Download Illustrated Microbiology Memory Cards: MicroMnemonics; 2nd edition (Illustrated Memory Cards), by Howard Shen

Download Illustrated Microbiology Memory Cards: MicroMnemonics; 2nd edition (Illustrated Memory Cards), by Howard Shen

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Illustrated Microbiology Memory Cards: MicroMnemonics; 2nd edition (Illustrated Memory Cards), by Howard Shen

Illustrated Microbiology Memory Cards: MicroMnemonics; 2nd edition (Illustrated Memory Cards), by Howard Shen

Illustrated Microbiology Memory Cards: MicroMnemonics; 2nd edition (Illustrated Memory Cards), by Howard Shen

Download Illustrated Microbiology Memory Cards: MicroMnemonics; 2nd edition (Illustrated Memory Cards), by Howard Shen

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Illustrated Microbiology Memory Cards: MicroMnemonics; 2nd edition (Illustrated Memory Cards), by Howard Shen

Printed in full color, this set of 201 MicroMnemonics cards makes medical microbiology clear to understand, fun to learn and easy to memorize by using mnemonics, cartoons and humor.

At first, we create a cartoon for each bug based on its name and associated features. This turns a "clueless" bug name into a vivid visual cue for easy recall. Then, the key points of the bug are summarized concisely in an outline format, supplemented with tables, diagrams, flowcharts and even Dr. Bright's Hint.

This set of cards is organized by microorganisms with an overview guide. Each topic starts with a classified list of major microbes and the diseases they may cause. The last section summarizes infections in different organ systems for a quick review.

Intended to serve as an excellent memory aid for learning medical microbiology, either for the courses or the board exams. It is suitable for anyone who wants to learn and memorize medical microbiology with ease and fun.

  • Sales Rank: #774324 in Books
  • Published on: 2013-01-12
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 1.80" h x 4.30" w x 6.10" l,
  • Binding: Cards
  • 402 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Great Value!
By James Gabriel
I was very pleasantly surprised when I received this deck. My only goal to gain a few extra mnemonics to annotate into FA but found them to be one best/easiest introduction into bugs and drugs I have seen thus far (vs. CMMRS or Review for Micro/Immuno - Levinson, or lippincotts cards). There is a lot to be said for giving these bugs a face and a story, and the pictures though silly, help you remember even miniscule details.

Side by side I learned one bug from Micromneumics then the same bug from "Lippincott's Microcards -Harpavat".

I don't think there is any other way to come "fresh" into microbio, and memorize Hapravats cards as completely or as quickly then by using both decks concurrently! I will stick with Harpavat come boards, but getting through these cards without Microeconomics would have been more painful, would have taken a lot more time/effort, and I know that I would have retained far far less long term.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent Step 1 Review
By Praveen Ranganath
Real advantage is the corny pictures and puns to help remember the bugs. Overview cards for each class (e.g. Gram + cocci) are good for determining appropriate diagnostic orders for bugs. These cards are NOT for testing yourself since the name of the bug is on both sides of the card. Rather, these cards are for picture based memory of each bug based on clinical presentation.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
By hazelnutgelato
Could not have made it through our micro class without these. As other reviews say, these can't be used like normal flashcards because the names of the organisms are on both sides. But the pictures and memory tricks are so helpful!

See all 22 customer reviews...

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Illustrated Microbiology Memory Cards: MicroMnemonics; 2nd edition (Illustrated Memory Cards), by Howard Shen PDF

Illustrated Microbiology Memory Cards: MicroMnemonics; 2nd edition (Illustrated Memory Cards), by Howard Shen PDF

Illustrated Microbiology Memory Cards: MicroMnemonics; 2nd edition (Illustrated Memory Cards), by Howard Shen PDF
Illustrated Microbiology Memory Cards: MicroMnemonics; 2nd edition (Illustrated Memory Cards), by Howard Shen PDF

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